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A Tech Firm that loves to help.

February 11, 2022
min read
A Tech Firm that loves to help.
How DeSoto helps support a Tribal Sovereign Nation deal with Covid.

DeSoto LLC is going on our third year of support to Sovereign Tribal Nations Covid Relief efforts.  You might be wondering how a "tech firm" fits into this dynamic puzzle of intricate moving parts? Pretty simple, really,  we use our in-house team to secure items, logistically manage the inventory and accurately manage the distribution of products that are badly needed on Tribal Lands.

M. Yazzie, T DeSoto and Dr. Leonard ( San Juan Southern Paiute Health Dept ) 

This program is an effort by the San Juan Southern Paiute Tribe to support Tribal Members who become symptomatic. A package that has been carefully procured and packaged is safely delivered to the Tribal member's family to help alleviate issues caused by Covid 19. Technology has actual world uses; we just happen to be a firm that manages these use cases for our clients and implements them to help when needed.

A wide variety of needed products are used to help Native Families. (K. Maestas DeSoto )

We work closely with this Tribe to ensure the procurement and logistics are handled with care on a month-to-month basis. It is an honor to serve The San Juan Southern Paiute Tribal council and their beloved Tribal families.

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